“In our store, we still use a very old software for order processing with very limited functions.
For almost 2 years I have been looking for suitable software, which was not so easy, because on the one hand there are many things, but on the other hand it was difficult to find out what really fits for our small company.
That’s how I came to Mrs. Agnes Andersen via recommendation.
Due to her deep experience in the field of accounting, gained over many years, she has also dealt intensively with software solutions for SMEs and was able to suggest suitable solutions to me very quickly.
She continued to assist me in defining the requirements, as well as in obtaining suitable offers, analyzing the offers and making decisions.
I will definitely include Ms Andersen in the implementation phase and phase II, which will then deal specifically with accounting processes.”
Mag. Armin Huber
Eigentümer und Geschäftsführer Somnifer e.U.
“Processes were made easier by the establishment of a web-based cooperation with our tax advisor:
- All invoices have been digitised.
- The transmission of data to our tax advisor has been digitised.
- His employee has direct access to our vouchers via the accounting software’s web platform and can readily book anytime.
- The bank statements are now also accessed electronically by our tax advisor.
Agnes Andersen also supported our tax advisor through the technical implementation, as well as with user questions. In doing so, she laid the foundation for future-proof and up-to-date tax advice. Thank you very much for all of this, dear Agnes!”
Christian Sanding
Sanding & Partner
Insurance & Financing
“Every beginning is difficult – including starting work with employees in an unsalaried association. So many voices, so many opinions and too little knowledge.
Agnes Andersen gave us great support! Careful, calm and always available for us – thank you for that!”
FH-Prof. h.c. MMag. Thomas M. Schüssler
IT solutions