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In my blog post the frog for a new beginning we let ourselves be kissed awake by a frog. And it really feels like a fresh start. We heard the song An Accountant and smiled at the frog´s quaking.

Why is the accountant in this music video depicted with a horse´s head? – This is what I will tell you in this blog post:

There are two strong images that I carry in my heart from my childhood:

One picture takes place in the 7th floor of an office building in Vienna. A spacious office of the Accounting Department. I´m sitting at the table with paper and coloured pencils, watching my father. He´s looking out of the window, talking into his voice recorder. – Quiet, serious and focused. He talks about projects in distant countries. Of great bridges, being built. – And of very long numbers.

I try to establish a connection between the order and the work to be build. I pick up words like roof, steel, bridge, glass, stage – and broad meeting, invoice, costs, audit, employee, work accident, and business trip. Hearing the last word, I realise, that my father will go away for a few days.

What will the work look like, when it is finished? What could be so expensive? I sit at the table and draw what I imagine, later I arrange numbers, too.

The second strong image smells of horse. My mother is riding instructor and especially in the summer holidays I spend full days with and on horses. I love to gallop over fields with my siblings and hold onto the mane. To hear the rhythms of clanging hooves and the howling from the stable. I clean, stroke and feed horses, and lie in the grass while they graze the meadow next to me.

I´m particularly impressed, that I can relax on the way home, Yeah, even put my back on the horse´s. – I can see passing clouds in the sky, as the horse carries me home.

In my heart these two images have come together. And so accounting became my hobby horse. – That is the story about the horse-headed accountant in An Accountant!

In my next blog post, I´ll tell you how I gallop into the Future of Accounting, what the Andersen Award is, and who can win the Agnes Trophy.

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