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In this blog article, you’ll find out what rice cooking has to do with accounting. Why the right software for your accounting is as beneficial as a wonderful dish, and not only love goes through the stomach.

It’s like cooking. In the beginning, I choose a recipe. Let’s imagine I want to cook a rice dish.

Try something new with rice.  So first I look for recipes with “rice”. After that, I think about whether with or without meat. In any case with vegetables. And which vegetables should I choose? I like zucchini, corn, carrots. And mushrooms. What do you like?

Next, I read which spices I need.  Sometimes there’s something that I don’t know yet. I find that particularly exciting. Then I already know that a new taste will come. I could stand in front of the spices in the supermarket and need help because I can’t find it.

And depending on whether I have invited someone, I cook it beforehand for the test or just for myself. Sometimes I calculate how many ingredients I need if I want to cook twice as much. To have a bit of stock.

When choosing a software, it is similar:

I’m not looking for software with rice, but with a specific function. Let’s take the accounting function. I look up what I need for accounting. It’s the bank account, maybe a cash register, the invoices I put and the invoices I get.

I’m thinking about looking for a recipe with meat or only with vegetables? Here I think about whether I also want to invoice with the software.  And maybe also want to manage my assets. Then I make research: What is offered? Do I know everything or do I need help? How much does it cost?

Before I start cooking, I put together everything I need: the ingredients and sufficiently large pots, pans and kitchen utensils. And before I decide on a software, I look up what system requirements I need. If I need to upgrade. What it would cost, and who would do this.

That’s where I’m already sending an email to my IT manager.

I can’t cook rice without a pot, and it should be big enough. And an accounting software, with which I also want to digitize (for my digital document archive instead of paper) which does not need a pot, but sufficient storage space for my documents. Where are they then? In a cloud, or on my server? Are they safe? Above all, legally compliant according to the principles of proper accounting?

Most would prefer to cook rice now, than devote themselves to the accounting software project. But the rice is then eaten, and in the best case it tasted good. The accounting software that should stay.  And taste long. Above all, the digital receipts should remain fresh and need a safe place!

And that’s why I look around to see if there is a trial version of the software I have in mind. Whether there is someone who can present them to me. Whether someone in my network might use them and tell me about them. Whether there will be support later. Here it’s not the spice I may not know, but certainly features I don’t understand or can’t find. And most importantly, whether it is suitable for my tax requirements.  For example, I could also place invoices in the European Union or in a third country. To England? USA or Switzerland?

What are the customer testimonials and reviews about this software? And the stock? Twice as much? It’s similar. Which package should I take? Can I easily upgrade if I need more? Or is there a specific offer for me where I can apply more right from the start? To already work like the big company I’ll be in three years? After all, a software conversion is again a time expenditure and therefore would also cost money again.

Very important:

As with cooking, it must go according to the right order. First cook the rice, without vegetables. If I throw everything together, it will be nothing. Sketch my processes first, then go through the steps and check whether the software can map the steps in this way. Of course, together with my team.

Contact my tax advisor: Which software does he use and how would he receive my data in the future? Can I easily export the data from the software so that he can import it into his software? Are there interfaces or do we even have to program something?

The software should be as beneficial and tasty  for my stomach as the rice. Good for my business and my processes. So that I can concentrate on my core process.

No, it is not cooking rice. I am the one who provides you with answers to all these questions. Together we look for the right software solution for you. Although I do not know all spices by far, I do know excellent software solutions for accounting.

Because that’s what I’m passionate about: “To bring all companies a maximum of space, time and money, with up-to-date and correct figures from accounting”

For their realization!

Write me your questions. Gladly to a rice recipe, – for a new taste. And above all to your space, your time and your money, and how I can bring you the maximum for it! – For your realization.  Here is a foretaste of a suitable recipe for your software.

Bon appetit and goodbye,

Your Agnes Andersen

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